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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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public perception.

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Does a company's public perception affect how you spend your money. I have met several employees of a certain hockey equipment company and not one of them has been a nice person. Most are rude and full of them selves. Nor has this company done anything for youth hockey or any PR at all and has had a HQ in this state for years. I will not spend another dollar on there equipment again.

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Does a company's public perception affect how you spend your money. I have met several employees of a certain hockey equipment company and not one of them has been a nice person. Most are rude and full of them selves. Nor has this company done anything for youth hockey or any PR at all and has had a HQ in this state for years. I will not spend another dollar on there equipment again.

Yes! I am self employed and my business depends on how I treat people, But there is a huge difference between me (a small Business) and A corporation. I have had several bad experiences in my lifetime with corporations and the best you can do is not purchase their products. I feel your pain, in 2006 I met a (nameless) rep and forever changed my opinion of the company.

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Everyone in hockey has their hand out asking for something. If a company gives to everyone, they go broke. If they only give to some, they get beat up by the people that didn't get anything. It sounds like this company simply chose not to go down either path.

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