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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Dunno if this should be in here... Anyone know of some place to find Adult Tourneys? Looking around the internet the only places show all the huge commercial chain tourneys that are really expensive and ( from what I have read/heard) badly put on. I know around OKC finding more games is tough so we started doing tourneys last year. We found some rinks in TX , KS and such that put on their own tournaments and they were much more affordable and fun.

Mods would it be possible to maybe have a place where players can post their rinks tourneys here? My team is planning on trying 1 tourney a month from March-November if we can find them in reasonable distances from us... LMK ..

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Dunno if this should be in here... Anyone know of some place to find Adult Tourneys? Looking around the internet the only places show all the huge commercial chain tourneys that are really expensive and ( from what I have read/heard) badly put on. I know around OKC finding more games is tough so we started doing tourneys last year. We found some rinks in TX , KS and such that put on their own tournaments and they were much more affordable and fun.

Mods would it be possible to maybe have a place where players can post their rinks tourneys here? My team is planning on trying 1 tourney a month from March-November if we can find them in reasonable distances from us... LMK ..

DK, I believe he's talking about trying to AVOID corporate tournaments.

The non-corporate tourneys are a little harder to find and require more effort. It's best to pick areas you want to go and start calling rinks asking about tournaments. Sometimes the best ones are in pretty far flung places. My buddies and I have been going to a tournament in Western Wyoming for 6 years now. It's out in the middle of nowhere and a pain to travel too, but it's probably the funnest weekend of hockey any of us has anymore.

You mentioned you've been to tournaments in KS. The KC area usually has 2-3 a year and Wichita also holds the Riverfest tournament which I think is actually called the "Kansas Cup", there also was one in Omaha the last few years that was small, but affordable and fun. They didn't have it this year due to ice scheduling issues but I suspect it will be back next fall.

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Unfortunately received an email from Chris last wk that he's not doing the April tourney in KC this yr due to having too many issues last yr =( Too bad, it's a fun tourney. Nick, I think Springfield is having one in March?

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Unfortunately received an email from Chris last wk that he's not doing the April tourney in KC this yr due to having too many issues last yr =( Too bad, it's a fun tourney. Nick, I think Springfield is having one in March?

That sucks.. KC was the most fun , evenly matched , tourney we went to all season. I was actually looking for a tourney to go to in May to take it's spot. As far as Springfield, we went to one there last August. It wasn't very well ran to be honest. We blew out every team because we brought our team to compete against a team who killed us in KC. The director gutted that team ( so they didnt have many of their more skilled players) and didnt tell us so we were stuck steamrolling everyone. It is a nice rink. Sabby will riverfest be two weekends again this year?

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I know, I enjoy KC (prolly more because I don't have to help run it like I do here!)

Yes, as always Riverfest/KS Cup will be two weekends. (The first and second of June)

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