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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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LS3 blades vs LS2

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Hey guys I just got a pair of total one's pro stock ( ray whitneys ) in a size 8 1/4 (272 tuuk)

I was skating in a pair of vapor XXX size 8.5 for 7 yrs now and i LOVED them it was just time for them to go.. I was wondering if the tuuk size was different I am not sure if they were 280s. I still have yet to really get a feel for them yet, I'm not sure if its the tuuk size adjustment of just the ls3 blades. The blades are to tall of the ground also. I have prob skated on them 20 times already and i still am not sure what it is.

Anyone have any thoughts ?

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Hey guys I just got a pair of total one's pro stock ( ray whitneys ) in a size 8 1/4 (272 tuuk)

I was skating in a pair of vapor XXX size 8.5 for 7 yrs now and i LOVED them it was just time for them to go.. I was wondering if the tuuk size was different I am not sure if they were 280s. I still have yet to really get a feel for them yet, I'm not sure if its the tuuk size adjustment of just the ls3 blades. The blades are to tall of the ground also. I have prob skated on them 20 times already and i still am not sure what it is.

Anyone have any thoughts ?

The holder size is 272 for size 8 & 8.5.

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My XXX's were pro stock they weren't EE tho. I know that my total ones are def 272 tho. Ok so lets say they were both 272 anyone else feel this way about the blades ?

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anyone know a good place to send out your skates to get your radius done ? I am the type of skater who skates on his edges a lot. What radius should I be on ? I been playing for 18 years and never adjusted the radius before. I don't know if thats gonna help you guys on what radius I should be on

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the lower the number the less contact the blade will have with the ice. so 7,9 are pretty much the lower side. Usually prostock skates have a custom radius of a 9 up front to a 10 in a back. but thats up to the player.

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I also have a set of superfeet yellow that i bought but i disliked the heel lift when i had them in my 30's .. You guys think I should try them in the totals ? You think they would change up the pitch at all so they will be more like my vapors ?

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