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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ankle bone pain

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So I blocked a shot a little over a month ago off of my inside ankle bone. I only play once or twice a week but everytime I tie my skates up I can feel some pain from the pressure of the skates. This last week I played I felt the pain a lot more than I usually went through. I don't ever feel pain any other time other than this. I can walk fine and not feel anything except for sometimes when my shoes are rubbing up against the ankle bone. I am usually ok with enduring the pain a couple of times a week and don't really want to miss any game time but just wondering what I should do.

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Well, unless you have some underlying medical condition we're not privy to, it generally would take a broken bone 4 to 6 weeks to heal. So, even if you cracked something, conventional wisdom would say it should be okay by now as long as you haven't been running marathons on it or anything over the top. Given the fact that it clearly isn't okay, I think it's time to head to the doc.

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Not discounting a fracture that complains only when you put pressure on it, a more likely scenario is a bruised tendon. It's currently inflamed and whenever you put pressure on it it starts to complain, this is similar to the effects of lace bite. Depending on your age, these things can take 1 - 3 months to settle down. Skating on it without doing something to alleviate the pain doesn't help either as that just irritates it. You might want to try some bunga pads for the ankle, alternatively a cheaper option to try is some bubble wrap that you fold over a couple of times, cut to shape like a donut so that it surrounds the sore area and tape in place. The idea is you have to get the pressure off this area. Bubble wrap is cheap and allows you to try different things until you find something that works. Sometimes I've ended up making a wedge, jamming it into my boot beside the sore area and this worked enough to let me skate

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I feel your pain! I've had the same problem for years. I used to block a lot of shots and took a ton off my left ankle. Now, I seem to have a permanent problem. Its like a small, fluid filled lump right over the bone. If I wear the wrong skates or boots, I'm in pain until I remove the skates or boots. I can only wear skates with plenty of volume now. I've asked my doctor about it several times and will probably bring it up again. I've had some luck with the bunga pad, but usually even that isn't enough. Hope you heal up!

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Could be a bone bruise. They take a rediculously long time to heal. Going on 3 months for one on my knee. Any area with a reduced blood flow takes longer to heal.

If you want to play through it, try things like Bunga pads, Silipos gel, etc. Might cushion some of the pressure.

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