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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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A stupid question regarding runners.

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I cracked one of the runners on my skate the other day. I had my lady take my skates up to the LHS for me to get some new steel put on since I didn't have time today. Well, they only had one in the size I needed so she had them put it on and order another one.

My question is this: the guy at the store told my girlfriend that the skates would be good to use with the new/old combo until the runner arives. I haven't been home yet to check them out, but it just doesn't seem possible to skate on a new runner and one that's taken a year and a half of sharpening. I have two games this weekend, think I should give it a go or just wait it out? Thanks in advance!

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In this instance, the right way to have handled the situation would be to measure the height of the year old steel, cross grind down the new runner to the same height and then do matching profiles (and include a sharpening) on both runners. If your LHS doesn't have a profiling setup, then tracing the year old runner onto the new one and then taking down the steel accordingly would've been a decent alternative.

If you needed to get by for one period in an important game, that would be one thing, but playing a weekend long tournament with one brand new runner and one used one is never something I, and probably few others on this forum, would ever recommend.

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For two games (30-40 mins of skating total), I wouldn't worry about it. Just replace the other one when it comes in. I don't recommend crossgrinding one down to match you 1.5yo runner, then you'll be buying another 2 runners soon. Srart fresh with 2 new runners. BTW, unless a skater is getting his radius refreshed frequently, just about everyones radius's, pitches and heights are off (left from right), they even come that way new from the factory.

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I don't recommend crossgrinding one down to match you 1.5yo runner, then you'll be buying another 2 runners soon. Srart fresh with 2 new runners.

I agree, start with two new and save the used one for a backup.

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