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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2013 All-Star Game in Columbus, OH

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Wondering what the thoughts are regarding Columbus getting the 2013 All Star Game? As a resident of Columbus and a season ticket holder for the Jackets, I'm obviously very excited about the news. We've got an amazing arena and die-hard hockey fans in Columbus. I think it will be a good show and will hopefully show the rest of the world that there actually is a hockey team in Columbus.

Now, if only some of our players can make the team...

Sorry if this was posted elsewhere. I searched and didn't find anything.

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I'm a Jackets fan but my first thought when I saw this was "I bet they're doing it to keep at least some fan interest in Columbus amidst this absolutely dismal season."

They are so bad right now and the high expectations for this season just make things worse. I think the league may be worried they're going to lose a lot of fans for good and this was an attempt to keep some around. Even if they don't improve there will be at least one hockey-related thing to look forward to in Cbus next year.

Anybody else get the feeling that's why they picked Columbus?

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