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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Doctor Hook

Restoring the velcro "stickiness"

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I have a pair of well-used (about 6 years of weekly beer league use) Sher-Wood 5030 shoulder pads and I notice the bicep velcro doesn't stick well and comes unstuck just a few shifts in every time I play.

And yes, I have massive guns, but also I think it's because the velcro has lost its stickiness.

Anyone ever restore stickiness in shoulder pad velcro?

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if the fuzz is gone its done. if the 'Hooks' are full of crap you can clean it with a wire brush. if that doesnt work you could replace the Velcro. but i thought that 5030's were under $50 that would be the easiest way.

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probably more trouble than its worth to fix those . I see them in most shops and sporting goods store's for 28 bucks. Maybe easier just to pick up a set or two

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It's just the "loop" portion that wears out most if the time. Easy to sew on a replacemnet over the origional.


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You can trim some of the "fuzz" off the loop part with some scissors. That is just a temporary fix though. You will eventually want to sew a whole new piece on.

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