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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wheel recommandation

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Hey guys,

I used the rink rat hornets wheels that came with my mission soldiers for 1 season (three times on the floor per week)

They got split in half after the season.

I play on tiled floor and based on your experience, which wheels last the longest and have a good performance?

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Hornet Splits are my favorites. They wear much better than the old hornets. Addictions get good reviews too, and are supposedly quite durable.

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I must be less hard on wheels I even used a gold/platinum setup when I was 200 and that lasted me a full Ecrha season plus the local college league and a few summer league games. Granted that was 4 years ago so the manufacture process may be different

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I really like the Labeda Dynasties. I'm a bigger guy at 6'1 and around 185 and these have the great grip and they've held up great for 2-3 skates a week for over a month now. No sign of wear yet on any wheel. (I skate from the locker room to the rink on some pretty rough asphalt everytime too, figured that that would cause a little chipping here and there but it hasn't yet). Grippers lasted the longest at about 4 months but don't stick like the Dynasties. Haven't tried the Addictions because I'm pretty sold at the Dynasties for a little cheaper. Overall pretty happy.

Can't go wrong with the sick look of the new Hornet Split white and yellow LE's, though. They look nasty!

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Those are the ones I got :) I'm waiting for my millenniums to lose grip, which should be soon. The reds last longer than oranges for me, and perform good for their price.

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I have been using the orange Addictions from Labeda, for 2 seasons now... They are holding up very well. My son uses the old yellow Rink Rat Hornets for the same period of time and they are also holding up well. I am about 175, and my son is about 155. We play on Sportcourt.

For the summer league which runs from May-August, we use Labeda Grippers... Yellow for me and White for my son. We both play about 3 times a week and they survive well for a whole season. This league is on bare concrete with varying degree's of grip every night due to humidity, temperature and the amount of dust and dirt on the floor.

I was thinking about trying the Revision Steels for this coming summer league.

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Honestly from my experience on what people skate on as well what I skate on I couldnt recommend anything other than Labeda. You cant go wrong with a Gripper, and if you step it up to a Dynasty or Addiction you will be just as pleased. For the price of the Gripper(some sites have them on sale for like 5-8 bucks) you get a light grippy and durable wheel. The best player I know who plays pro NARCh and Team USA uses the Addictions and the Grippers every time. WIth the Rink Rats all I notice is that they stop very well but break and crack within the first month. Have not been given anything else other than RR and Labeda but just from the pleasure of skating on the Labeda I dont need to skate on anything else. Let me know if you have any questions on any of the wheels I have mentioned and I can do more into detail.

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