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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Titan stick - curve identification

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Bit of a long shot here...

I have an old Titan TPM 4020 (they're now branded Jofa TPM 4020 apparently) from back in the 90's I used to use for roller.

Desperate to work out what curve this thing is, as it was and still is the best curve I've ever used. I use a P91A and a P92 at the moment, but I'd love to try and see what's on the market that's similar.

The stick itself has no identification with regards to the curve, other than a number 12 on the shaft. I've tried to search for a curve list for these but to no avail.

I can post a pic of the curve if it would help? Again, its a long shot but you never know...

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I'll get this up on Sunday - tried hockey office but no joy! Its starting to annoy me lol - that curve was my fave for years!!

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I still buy tons of Titan sticks out of Germany. They are now made in Finland. They are like the old red 3020's in looks. They offer 3 curves #4,11 and 23. I use the #11 as this is almost identical to the Hetteberg curve. The #4 is pretty wicked. I bought one just to see the difference. I ended up straightening it out a little to match the #11. I have no idea what the #23 is like. Next time I order a 3 pack, I will get one to see what it is like.

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