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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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a komets fan

A&R Waxed Laces

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My LPS stopped carrying A&R waxed laces in favor of Howie's recently. This is a bit of a problem for me because I love the heavy waxed laces that A&R is known for. I went online and purchased four sets of A&R waxed laces from Hockey Warehouse, online to get them and while they are waxed, the amount of wax on them isn't even close to what I'm accusomted to getting from A&R.

That being said, does anyone know if A&R redid their laces (as weird as that sounds)? Can I get the old style anywhere online that anyone knows about? Thanks a lot guys. As prima donna as this sounds, I can't use these new waxed laces because of the new feel.

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Yeah from personal experience the A&R is a crapshoot. some places have old stock heavy wax and some the new barely waxed. Im still trying to find new laces every time im at the LHS. nothing just seems to really click for me. I think im trying ovals next.

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I have noticed with some of the waxed laces like the Elite's that when they start out they feel like they have no wax on them. Then after two uses the stand on their own. I know they are not A&R but maybe...the same? If not I would try the ELite's, pretty awesome in my opinion. No slip!

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The labeling on the A & R logo band around the laces MUST say Heavy Wax, otherwise the shop is selling the regular wax from A & R. I have to specify heavy wax when I order them from A & R. Also, black wax laces are not available in heavy wax from A & R. I stock their heavy wax in white and yellow in the shop.

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Check modells, dick's or sports authority. They don't say "heavy wax" on them but there is much more than the ones from IW. 3.99 or so.

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The labeling on the A & R logo band around the laces MUST say Heavy Wax, otherwise the shop is selling the regular wax from A & R. I have to specify heavy wax when I order them from A & R. Also, black wax laces are not available in heavy wax from A & R. I stock their heavy wax in white and yellow in the shop.

Thanks, I wasn't sure if they still had both versions.

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I use elite waxed laces and I noticed about a year ago the amount of wax changed drastically. They used to be very waxed, when I was at an outdoor rink they could practically stand vertical because the wax was so stiff. Not everyone liked it but I loved them. The last pair I bought felt like they had hardly any wax, so I even put my old laces back on. Im just hoping they last till the end of the season, they have a rip and I dont like the new ones. I might have to find a new brand, but my LHS only sells Elite laces. Has anyone else noticed this?

Also, Ive noticed that the yellow laces have alot more wax than black (havent tried the white ones), do you think this is on purpose? Ive noticed this consistently, and have never seen a black pair with thick heavy wax.

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