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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wood blades

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After trying several OPS's and composite blades, I've always come back to wood blades in a tapered shaft. Sherwood 950 blade shaved to fit a Flyweight shaft is my favorite combo.

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Using a Bauer 6500 (I think) P106 Blade in my RL Xn10. Curve was a little too big for me, so I toned it down a bit. Hard to find Drury type wood blades.

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i usually use either my christian or tps customs in either an RL xn10 or M2 or UL or hespeler nemesis (hoping to try alpha nemesis soon), i only use a synergy if its the pattern that i use. if i could get pro curve synergys id probably convert, but the weight dif is negligable and the performance is very close to the same, except for feel which is better. synergys believe it or not tend to last a little longer for me just because i rarely break shafts and wood blades go soft after 2 or 3 skates.

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I'm using a couple pro-stock CCM wood blades, Markov (can't remember which one, Danny or Andrei), left, almost-straight, very open-toed heel curve. They're wicked.

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I don't like the feel of composite blades so I only use wood. Right now I'm using Mission Ethers. I stockpiled about 20 as retailers were selling them off.

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I'm using a wood Montreal Blade. It has lasted a long time and works well. I'm thinking about getting composite as a replacement, but not sure what would be similar, Easton Sakic?

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