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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tell me what i need to know about ordering custom skates

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Just a few general questions.

I just would like to know how does this process goes.

Since im still a virgin when it comes to orderin custom skates.

I know i go to a local pro shop and ask them i'd like to order some custom skates and they call up a Bauer rep and all that.

But how do they exactly size you and your feet.

Like i have have fairly wide & flat feet.

I use superfeet and theyre ok... But it takes away volume from the skate and doesnt allow my foot to sit deep in the skate. Plus since i use double EE 9s in Bauer One 80s... The Superfeet dont exactly fill up the forefoot of the skte properly..afrter skating for a hour or so, i take of my skate and i have a numb spot of my foot where my foot kind of overlaps on the superfeet forefoot.

Anyways, what im trying to say will ALL aspects of the foot be accounted for when ordering custom skates. If im going to be dropping 800+ Custom Fee+ Tax?... I want it to fit like a glove... and not having to purchase/rely on stuff such as insoles and such

Any input is appreciated.

Thanks in advanced.

Not to mention both my feet are slightly different in size ....

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