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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sakic like curve?

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I'm running out of my beloved Sakic/Rafalski sticks. What brands have Sakic/Rafalski clones these days? I looked at the pattern DB, but it seems to be very out of date.

Any assistance is appreciated.


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Easton Hall

Bauer P92

Newer CCM Ovechkin

Rbk Crosby

Miken BP10

Warrior Draper/Kopitar

ccm's equivalent would be the new nugent-hopkins. i dont think they actually had an equivalent before.

also worth noting: for reebok you want the crosby p87A, as the alternate crosby p87 is a bit different.

There's also Sherwood's pp26 Stastny

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ccm's equivalent would be the new nugent-hopkins. i dont think they actually had an equivalent before.

also worth noting: for reebok you want the crosby p87A, as the alternate crosby p87 is a bit different.

There's also Sherwood's pp26 Stastny

CCM did, which was the most recent Ovechkin

iniesta, you're asking about differences between clones?

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FWIW, I found the Miken BP10 to be deeper, slightly more open and a slightly lower lie than other Sakic-type curves. I had to trim the stick a couple of times from my usual length (coming from Draper/p92) to make it feel similar. Once I had it dialed in (2-3 skates), it was an awesome curve. I don't remember much about the rocker.

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CCM did, which was the most recent Ovechkin

iniesta, you're asking about differences between clones?

i stand corrected. it is worth noting though that previously the ovechkin was a lower lie heel wedge, kind of a cross between the sherwood spezza and a drury.

the draper/kopitar has insignificantly more heel than a sakic/hall.

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