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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What visor is this?

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I think that's the pro bauer model they made in order to compete with the oakley pro straight. Notice where the screws are, there is a little slant down. The straight doesn't have that slant.

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I think that's the pro bauer model they made in order to compete with the oakley pro straight. Notice where the screws are, there is a little slant down. The straight doesn't have that slant.

The visor you're talking about is what I have on my RE-AKT -



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It's a pro only 2.75" visor. I have two of them from the Wings sale. Fillps and few others all wear them. Far easier to clean than the Oakley. Wish this would become available retail.

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I prefer the Oakley.

I've always taken care of my visors. This one spider-webbed in a spot in one use, something that has never happened to me with an Oakley.

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I prefer the Oakley.

I've always taken care of my visors. This one spider-webbed in a spot in one use, something that has never happened to me with an Oakley.

I'd like to thiink I take great care of my gear. I've only had one Oakley visor and it did just that (spider-webbed) to me and thankfully there was a thread here on dealing with it.

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