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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Composite Shaft+which wooden blade?

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I am buying a Bauer Vapor x60 shaft, and i want to use a wooden blade in it. What wooden blades would you guys reccommend?

I was going to just buy the bauer wooden blades, but i heard they werent too great. I might be open to using a composite blade, i just prefer the feel of a wood blade. I want to have a good quality stick shaft without worrying about replacing the whole thing if the blade breaks. Lastly, I know it will be "blade heavy", but i dont mind that.

Any input is appreciated.

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What pattern do you like? That may have an impact on what brands are available.

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I use a Sher-Wood PP26 Stastny curve right now. lie 6, 1/2'' heel.

I guess I could get the TotalOne shaft (which is standard fit I believe) and just put a Sher-Wood 950 wood blade in it. I have only played hockey for about 3 years, I am not extremely picky about my blade pattern. I am mainly looking for blade durability.

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I have a Warrior AK27 with an Easton wood blade. I was using a Zetterberg, but now use a Cammalleri. It's the same pattern. I like it. I usually get at least 6 months out of a blade before I replace it, but I'm picky about my blades. As soon as they start getting the slightest bit soft, as wood blades tend to do, I'm on my way to Total Hockey.

But for $22 a blade, I get more bang for my buck than what I used to get out of a one-piece composite stick.

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go with easton LAMI for more durability in easton line. the pro synergy only held up 5 games for me :( although it has the better feel.

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I use a Bauer One95 between roller and ice so I'm constantly swapping out blades. I use a sherwood coffey curve in it and it's great. It's surprisingly not too blade heavy...but then again I'm used to heavier blades due to the ABS.

I've also used the Easton Lami (Getzlaf) and it worked well.

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CCM 892 or Koho 892 (both tapered), for me, the best wood blade ever. Standart is the 692 model.

Didnt like the Sher-wood 950, split at the bottom on the firt month of use.

RBK 1K (old red or black) very durable but didnt like the feel (like plastic), excelent for playing in asphalt. Dont know the current model.

Old Koho Crossover (now CCM) Very durable, poor curve selection. But now is 37 U$S, too expensive for a wood blade.

This is my experience, hope it helps.

(sorry for the english)

I always tape all the blade and use wax for max durability

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