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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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In search of the THINNEST performance sock

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I skated barefoot today (not hockey playing, just skated) and Although I liked it, the sweat started to bother me. Gotta stick with a thin performance sock for sure.

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I went to Wal-Mart tonight, went to the sports section, where they sell soccer stuff.

I bought Mitre performance socks, I believe they were around $5.00.

I put my skates on, feel amazing.

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Digging up a grave.........I use the Warrior socks that TH has in all different colors. They're all cotton, so they actually feel like they get good grip in the skate, and they're pretty thin.

I've tried a few Bauer and Easton super thin skate socks and they just feel too slick for me.

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I haven't found anything thinner than the light grey Easton socks. Want to try the Bauer 37.5 socks but they feel so much thicker.

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I have my kid in TCK sanitary socks trying to stretch out the skates for a few more weeks. The socks are under $4 but only last 4-6 skates at best. He punches the toes through.

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Google led me to thousands of useless items, as the topic states.I'm looking for basically a "second skin" ultra thin sock to use in my hockey skates. Please advise..



I use a couple different pair, 1 made by pear socks super long and very thin they go up to my thigh http://www.pearsox.com/page41.html

2nd i use Fox river sock liners these 2 have been the best for me for a very long time

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