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Good Online games?

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Hey, it's getting near Christmas and I was wondering, what are some good online shooters out there? I'm getting XBOX live and wanted to know what games are good live, and also which ones are good for PC....

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For PC, Unreal Tournament 2004. Xbox, Halo 2.

My diamond in the rough is TimeSplitters2 for the PS2. It's the same staff as the guys who made Goldeneye for the N64 way back when.

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Your not going to find a better FPS than cs, it's dead on if you find a good server. Plus it's still the most played online game by a long shot.

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Half Life 2 is great and World of Warcraft is pretty freaking awesome. I've been playing it for the last couple of days and enjoying it alot.

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Your not going to find a better FPS than cs, it's dead on if you find a good server. Plus it's still the most played online game by a long shot.

Agreed CS is the best online game for sure. Source is pretty sweet too.

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Half Life 2 is great and World of Warcraft is pretty freaking awesome. I've been playing it for the last couple of days and enjoying it alot.

I was really hyped up for WoW about 3 years ago. Then I just kind of forgot about it. I also dont want to spend 10$ a month. My friend was in beta or whatever and he has a clan that is directly linked to blizzard or something like that. Hes got his link on their site and everything.

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Yeah, I'm in guild with a bunch of friends right now, and we are having a blast. $10 isn't too bad at all. PLus you get a free month to try stuff out.

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Anybody who plays regular cs come play in

My name is [-X-] bdj and hkyplaya4life is Capitan Anarchy, if you see us killing everybody say something

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for Xbox I'd say there are a bunch of good games coming out (or already out):

Halo 2 (definately)

Rainbow 6 3:Black Arrow

Ghost Recon 2

And I think Mech Assault 2 is coming out before christmas.


CS is a classic, but if you have a better computer I would go for:

Either Far Cry, Half Life 2, Doom 3 or Counter-Strike Source (comes withe Halflife 2) or UT 2004.

Just my opinions...

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Thanks to all the people who came to the server and played with us, even with hkyplaya4life being an ass. I tihkn 4 or 5 msh people came and said hi, MNDgame has even come back a few times, I do bad when hes around though.

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Thanks to all the people who came to the server and played with us, even with hkyplaya4life being an ass. I tihkn 4 or 5 msh people came and said hi, MNDgame has even come back a few times, I do bad when hes around though.

B) its just what I do.

P.S. CS:S is terrible. Good graphics and that, but I really enjoy playing 1.6 more than Source. The only real improvement in the game is the detailed maps. Thats it.

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