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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Pro Stock OPS code

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I ordered custom RS sticks from PSHG and RS was tagged RSS so I don't know how thats an s19. It's an RS for certain. The only thing I've heard of is an EQ50SS which mean's EQ50 shaft ST blade. Or so I was told. Although everyone seem's to have a different opinion on here.

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I have a Cody Franson RS and it is labeled RSS. i have never used a retail RS so I can not say if it feels the same, but I have had Franson's before. The S19 version felt completely different than this version. Also if G means it is 110, it must be rated from the normal spot for retail easton's. There is no way it is 110 at full length. The stick feels good and kicks effortlessly. My issue is that after using an APX, it feels soft. I think that is due to the kickpoint....? Good balance and this particular stick has way different feel than the APX. But man. This thing kicks wristers and snap shots at Slap shot speeds effortlessly though! I hit cross bar twice tonight. I think it is a keeper. The grip is kinda mild though.

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I just bought a Kessel V9E SS. Can anyone tell me what the 'SS' stands for or describes?

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