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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RIP One95 stick... Time for a new stick!

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So my final One95 OPS snapped last week and I'm now in the market for a new stick. I've tried the T1 however it is far too soft and broke after 1 month of light use. Also I never really got used to the feel compared to the far superior One95.

Anyway I'm needing a new stick that is robust but light. I've scouted around and from the Uk's limited resources I'm interested in the Reebok Ai9 (never been a fan of Easton and Warrior sticks are few and far between here) The issue I have is that I'm struggling to find an equivalent blade pattern of the Bauer P91A by Reebok. I have used P92 but I seem to pull every shoot so prefer a more open face. Anyway if anyone has any advice that would be great, also if anyone has tried the Ai9 it would be good to hear non-HS rep reviews about it.

Thanks in advance.

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Thanks AIREAYE, bigger issue is trying to get one of those here. Also when I'm looking at the curve patterns they are using numbers rather than P**. Just wondered why and also is there a logical conversion?

Thanks again

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I use the p91a and found the reebok h15 to be the most similar but those where on PS 10ks. It may be the same as the p32 in retail I am not sure of that.

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European models have different pattern codes. Pattern number 8 is the Drury / Staal clone.


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AIREAYE: Sorry for the terrible explanation.

JSK81: Thanks, that's what I was meaning. Looks like it is no.8 however no.17 is very similar.

Thanks for everyones help.

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No, pattern 17 is pretty much the exact opposite to the 8. 8 is a heel wedge and 17 is a toe curve. I actually haven't seen it in person on any Reebok stick, only on CCMs.

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Have you thought about getting an apx? You could get your pattern, its extremely light, and its supposed to have great durability. If not, get a total one and go up a flex if its too soft for you. I have a total one and its my favorite stick iv ever used. Plus it has been quite durable so far. Another option could be a ccm crazy strong. Its fairly light and its super durable. Im not a ccm fan myself though.

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I've tried the T1 102 flex and the blade just was too soft. Perhaps it's my technique but blade snapped after 4 weeks (I take a lot of slappers). I'm not sure about the APX as it uses the same Power Core tech in the blade (I could be wrong) so I don't see how it would be any stronger. Also I've used the XXXX and I didn't like the feel. I just wish Bauer would bring out the One95 again. Thanks

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If you can find a pattern that you like in RBK, the 11k is a nice twig. I had a 2 piece 11k setup for a while and it looked nearly new after a 2-3 months of beer league (I get hacked a lot, too). Great durability and nice performance, although I believe that the kickpoint is lower on the 11k. I felt that it played about a flex stiffer than what it was rated. The grip is super tacky, too (which was a minus for me). I'd still prefer a One95, but the 11k 2 piece was a light, powerful,and durable setup.

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I will add another for the T1. I found the replacement blade was much more durable than the one95 blade I had. As for the OPS, the T1 seems to have a better kick to it for both snappers and slappers. The feel is also really good, though it is not quite up there with the one95.

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