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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Bauer skate

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The new Bauer skate is called the XR Premier, using Revision Variant wheels.

All black, with black mag Hi-Lo Chassis, similar to the APXr in terms of aesthtics. Looks like a black pro felt toungue. The main outer of the skate is not smooth like the APX/APXr skates, seems to be a much rougher texture, I presume for durability.

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What durometer is the revisions? My guess is that they needed a softer wheel for the lighter/younger players than the 76a equivalent addictions.

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The Inhaler looks sick! Im interestested in why they chose the revisions over the addictions they have used in the past 2 years.


Being that the XR Premier is limited we wanted it to have a wheel that was high end and unique to other products on the market. The Revision Vanquish is a high end urethane with Torus technology and competes with the rest of the pack.


The Revision Wheel is a 74A.....Thanks applesauce9

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Being that the XR Premier is limited we wanted it to have a wheel that was high end and unique to other products on the market. The Revision Vanquish is a high end urethane with Torus technology and competes with the rest of the pack.


The Revision Wheel is a 74A.....Thanks applesauce9

How does the quality of the XR Premier stack up against the APXR?

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Sounds like its going to be APXR > XR Premier > XR5 > XR3

That is correct. The APXR is the high end Bauer skate then will come the XR Premier skate.. XR5 and so on

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