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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Lie differences between companies

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Depending on your shooting mechanics, you may find them to play quite similarly, or fairly differently. Some people shoot the same with almost any curve, some are very sensitive to even slight differences, it all depends on you.

I am fairly adaptable. Have used a p09 and didn't like the curve but liked the lie. Using a P88 now and lie wise it's not bad but after using an old Montreal Wood stick with a 5 lie European curve I know ideally I'd need less lie than a P88. Mid or mid toe, I am pretty okay with either. If a P14 played lower ( lie wise) than a P88 it could work for me. Otherwise looking a Warrior Kovalchuk or maybe even a Gionta. Thanks for the stick knowledge DF276 !

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I am fairly adaptable. Have used a p09 and didn't like the curve but liked the lie. Using a P88 now and lie wise it's not bad but after using an old Montreal Wood stick with a 5 lie European curve I know ideally I'd need less lie than a P88. Mid or mid toe, I am pretty okay with either. If a P14 played lower ( lie wise) than a P88 it could work for me. Otherwise looking a Warrior Kovalchuk or maybe even a Gionta. Thanks for the stick knowledge DF276 !

No problem! Based on your criteria, I'd say a P14 could be a great choice for you, and I do believe the lie is a touch lower than a P88.

On top of the options you've listed, another pattern to look at could be the Rbk Datsyuk. Listed as a 6 lie, but if our "standard" is an Easton Sakic/Hall being a 5.5 lie, then the Datsyuk is about a 5 lie. The Datsyuk is a fairly big mid curve with a square toe, and not very open. If you're willing to go for an absolute top end stick, then the Bauer P92 lie 5 could be a good choice. A final option could be the new CCM Landeskog, which is basically a huge banana curve, slightly open, and roughly a 5.25 lie (a bit lower than an Easton Sakic/Hall).

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The Harrow #4 is a nice mid toe, like the original Recchi. It really isn't the same as the current Datsyuk.

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While we're on this topic. Does the reebok datsyuk pattern play lower than the Bauer p92?

Any info as to the Reebok Datsyuk? Is it a true 6 or is it a little closer to a 5.25? When I compare to the P88 it's lower in lie.

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I ended up getting the AI5 with the Datsyuk curve, it definitely feels lower than the Bauer P92 (listed 6 lie), but higher than the Bauer PM9 (listed 5 lie).

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