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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok Pant shell advice needed.

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My ccm pants are now old and ripped, however instead of replacing them I'm planning on buying the RBK pant shell, however ill have to order online and am having trouble finding sizing guidelines.

Does anyone know how they fit. My pants are a large, 36 38, what would fit?

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It might not be the exact answer that you're looking for, but I'm wearing an XL Reebok MHP520 Pro and using an XL Easton shell over top and it fits fine.

I can also use the XL shell over my XL Flite Pro pants and it works just fine as well.

The XL Easton shells are quite baggy over an XL Bauer ACP.

I'd suggest using a Large shell over the large pants, but if you want a bit more room and bagginess, maybe go XL.

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I read somewhere where REEBOKS run large. That is NOT the case. I have A medium pant and wish I'd have ordered a large. I'm a 32" waist. Go bigger...

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