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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Switching from Easton to Bauer sticks

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Ive been using Easton sticks since I was 11 or 12 and although I love them I am thinking of switching to Bauer. I had an S17 most recently, 100flex Sakic curve and the stick seemed to be in great condition but broke on the shaft just above the blade last week on a non eventful play. Sunday night I played again and my buddy in warm ups got a hard pass on his S19 and it just exploded as well. It could be a coincidence or maybe the Easton's just aren't very durable...? I went to my hockey store yesterday, and the worker said the new RS sticks are more durable than the S19 models and lower but people still complain about the breakage. Anyone have anything to say about this?

I was checking out the Bauer Nexus 1000 Backstrom curve since its most similar to the Hall/Sakic and the stick felt pretty good when I took some shots with it. I was worried as I know some bauer blades are smaller than eastons but the Backstrom was bascially the same shape and size as the Hall/Sakic. I noticed the Bauers are also a bit smaller than Eastons in height like an inch shorter which is weird but that shouldn't be a problem getting used to. How big of a difference will it be to make the jump from an S17 to a Bauer APX or Nexus?

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With every stick company there will always be a different feel. I think your biggest difference you'll find is the blades and how they play and maybe how the stick flexes.

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I made this move last season because i felt the RS was a let down. I have used Easton since I was 10 or so, so 13 years. I picked up a few total ones. While they were solid sticks I could not get used to the difference. For starters the blade feel is definitely different, you will notice it. I feel Easton has a better blade feel, Bauer to me is more pingy. It effected my stickhandling enough to notice it. I am not sure if the 6 lie was in my head or what but I felt like I noticed that too, and it still felt weird when I cut the stick an inch to compensate. I will say Bauer has great all around sticks that do just about everything well, but the difference in feel was a dealbreaker for me. I ended up going back to S19s and didnt regret it one bit. I used an APX as well and it felt similar to the total one. All of these sticks used were same specs, 100 flex, p92/hall. The Bauers kicked better on slappers, but I felt Easton had better wristers. Since I'm not a big slap shot guy that was also a factor.

As far as durability, I had a terrible experience with the RS. Bauers lasted awhile but nothing too amazing where it would stick above previous Easton experience excluding the RS let down. The only stick I have ever had that I was amazed at durability was an O33 total one which has extremely thick shaft walls. I dont think it can ever be bad to experiment if you have the money, but I have a feeling you will be going back to Easton. When you have played with a brand for so long you build up an expectation. If you can put up with the differences for awhile you might get used to it, but I think theres a strong chance you will go back to Easton after being such a long time user.

If you havent checked out the EQ50 I would recommend it. Despite the negativity surrounding it (largely unwarranted in my opinion) it is a great all around stick with good durability. It can be found for very cheaply since the Mako is out which makes the stick a great value.

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Breakeage on Bauer is the same as Eastons Unless you just like a Bauer pattern better, there is no durability advantage switching to Bauer.

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As someone who has been a Bauer user since going to one-pieces, I gave the Stealth RS a shot. While the stick kicks well, I think the blade feels dead. I have to look down at times just to make sure it's on my stick. I'm coming from an X60. When the RS breaks, I'm either going to switch back to an APX or try the Nexus.

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I was the same, always an easton guy for 10+ years, finally made a switch to Warrior (dolos and widows) for 3 years. But every time i use an s19 I wonder what i was thinking. Doubt ill ever play with a bauer stick, they just are not my thing. I'm not too big on the mako/eq50 replacement and hoping to try and the NEW RS which i heard is an improvement over the current one. but until then, i got my widows and yesterday i got an Ai9 which was surprisingly an excellent stick after one skate. IMO see if you can get a retail or pro stock s19 since they go for cheap now.

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As someone who has been a Bauer user since going to one-pieces, I gave the Stealth RS a shot. While the stick kicks well, I think the blade feels dead. I have to look down at times just to make sure it's on my stick. I'm coming from an X60. When the RS breaks, I'm either going to switch back to an APX or try the Nexus.

RS wasn't a good stick to give Easton product a shot. while it shoots amazing...it fails on a lot of the little things which after the amazement of the pop fades gets frustrating. the blade is so weak that it often flubs passes and catching a very hard pass is nearly impossible with this stick. id love to try the new one thats releasing down the line but i may just stick to the eq50/mako line

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RS wasn't a good stick to give Easton product a shot. while it shoots amazing...it fails on a lot of the little things which after the amazement of the pop fades gets frustrating. the blade is so weak that it often flubs passes and catching a very hard pass is nearly impossible with this stick. id love to try the new one thats releasing down the line but i may just stick to the eq50/mako line

Unfortunately, the Mako didn't go on sale for two days when I had to buy a stick. I haven't really noticed blade weakness, passing's been okay. I just hate how the blade feels dead to me.

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Unfortunately, the Mako didn't go on sale for two days when I had to buy a stick. I haven't really noticed blade weakness, passing's been okay. I just hate how the blade feels dead to me.

you could be used to the bauer feel, but i thought the blade feel was great...it was just extremely weak. i could feel the blade 'turning over' when shooting. will be interesting to see the rebuilt version but the damage may have already been done for a lot of people

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I can see how Easton users think Bauer blades are pingy in a sense. I could tell where the puck was on my blade whether it was toe or heel on the XXXLite, XXXX and the X:60. The RS I'm really just hoping it's there, but if the blade's weak, maybe that's part of the reason. I just haven't noticed the blade torquing at all. I'd love to try a Mako, but if I'm spending the money, I'd rather go with something I know I'm comfortable with.

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I have been using Eastons ever since I have been using one-pieces, probably eight years or so. Started with the Synergy Si-Core, unreal. The original Stealth wasn't as good as the SiCore. The CNT sucked, I hated the Synergy Elite, the s17 always broke at the fuse point. And I loved the s19 and RS. Currently using a St, and say its about average. Because I broke 12 twigs this past year I was thinking about giving Bauer a go. What stick is going to feel/shoot the most like an elliptical series Stealth (S19 or RS)? The guy at Pure Hockey told me the APX is probably what im looking for. Im 6'1" 196 lbs. and use a 85 flex because I like whippy sticks, should I move up in flex. I've always heard that flex is just preference, but with my dad footing half of the stick bill wants me to move up.

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Breaking 12 sticks in a year is a lot. Stiffness doesn't have anything to do with breakage, unless you have really inefficient on slappers.

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no i know how to take clappers haha. thanks for the advice. thats what I thought and I remember TSR said it's all just preference. Anyone know what bauer stick feels/shoots like an s19 or RS?

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It wasn't advice, just a comment on your father's wanting you to go stiffer. That said, knowing where your sticks are breaking or the cause will help with giving you answers. Breaking from slashes or blocked shots isn't going to matter what brand you use. Same with breaking blades at the heel or along the bottom.

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No Bauer stick feels/shoots like an RS and Chadd is absolutely right, take a quick audit of your breakage scenarios and see what you come up with.

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alright thanks. theyre really breaking all over the place. seen a few in the middle of the stick, some in the bottom 1/3, a couple in the blades, a couple on slashes. Aireaye, is there a stick in particular that is more like any of the others, apx, To, nexus?

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Haha there will always be those who go through 12 sticks a year regardless of stick. And that's a better phrased question, I would agree with the guy at PH and say the APX as well. I cannot classify the RS as having any sort of mid-kick.

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