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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Please HELP save my local rink

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The local rink that I first started to play hockey at will be closed to create more "lucrative" retail space, despite the growing demand for ice time at the rink with ice times as early as 4:30am.

Please help and Sign the Petition to save the rink. Thank you.

The full story:


The Petition:


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That sucks but if there is that much demand, sounds like a great opportunity for someone to jump in and build or expand a current rink.

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I signed it, but not being local I doubt it'll mean much. With that kind of demand maybe you could get the local parks department on board to build a community rink.

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Thanks everyone. Haven't played there in some time but just decided to start subbing for an old team. It's a great little rink.

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