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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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highly recommended skate profiling shop

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Hey guys,

Im in the middle of fixing most of my equipment for the upcoming season..im sending my gloves to peaches to get re-palmed and

Now, im looking to get my skates profiled.

I would like a new set of graf steel profiled to a neutral pitch and a little more steel glide hitting the ice, 10' radius

Who's recommended? I will ship out my skates

thanks guys

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I'll contact that shop for sure.

Im 150lbs not the strongest skater but above average. I skate with a deep knee bend. I'd like to have more steel hitting the ice that stock steel does.. What do you guys recommend? I skate on a 3/8 and 1/2 hollow

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