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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Which Bauer Skates: wide at the balls of my feet

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Seems I have a normal foot except for the bone that is just outside the toecap. Seems from that across my foot its wider than most. My X60s are getting worn. Not to mention getting killed from being punched over and over at that point.

So I know I am going to need an EE skate but which skate? Nexus NXG or APX? I ref 12+ hours and play 4-5 so I put the hours on the skates I dont want them to breakdown. I skate with very loose skates, learned a lot time ago strong ankles make you fast not tape. I do want a stiff skate but i dont want a ski boot. I dont know if this is a factor in the new boots but i dont want it up my calf either. Heel lock is a must and I would like a lighter skate.

I was leaning to the NXG but tried on a D width and though the balls of my feet were in the hands of a crazy vise.

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of the two, the NXG will be wider in that area for the same size/width, it will also be wider in the hell as well.

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I went to a hockey store in Oakland while up for business. I wanted to try the Nexus since it's supposedly a more volume boot than Vapor or Supreme (I'm in RBK now).

He took one look at my foot and said "these wont fit you, you dont have wide feet". I told him about the cramping I get in my forefoot if I tighten my skates even slightly up there. He said short of buying custom, I'd be better to buy a skate that fit my heel and ankle, and then have the forefoot area stretched out a bit. He said buying wides would make the heel/ankle not fit properly.

I only mention it to you because you may want to consider that a wide might not be what you want.

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