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Hockey Monkey - S19 made in China?

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Hey MS nation, its been a while!

I bought 3 S19's from hockey monkey at a great price at $305 shipped. I finally get them, and right away I notice MADE IN CHINA and the graphics are slighly different than ones I've had in the past. Any Easton I've ever had including the RS I'm using right now is made in Mexico. I've searched for answers and really haven't got a clear answer. I'm awaiting a response from hockey monkey. I think I'll be contacting Easton as well.

Anyone care to chime in. I don't believe a big store like that would sell fakes.


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I recently purchased some S19's from Hockey Monkey also, but I had the opposite happen. I had one that looked different and it said Made in Mexico! All my previous S19's were made in China. The Made in Mexico S19 has graphics that are slightly different and the paint is more sparkly. Don't know if it makes a difference, but the S19's I have are all 75 flex Drury/Parise curves.

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They're legit. Retail S19's were made in China and Mexico. Don't remember when they switched the factory production around though.

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Wow, never knew Easton went to China. Now that I think about it, my other s19's were pro stock. If I'm not mistaken most pro stocks are made in Mexico.

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I recently purchased some S19's from Hockey Monkey also, but I had the opposite happen. I had one that looked different and it said Made in Mexico! All my previous S19's were made in China. The Made in Mexico S19 has graphics that are slightly different and the paint is more sparkly. Don't know if it makes a difference, but the S19's I have are all 75 flex Drury/Parise curves.

Same, my first s19s were from China and had a darker paint with no sparkles. Then I bought some on clearance at Pure Hockey and they had a production date of like June 2011 and were made in Mexico and had the sparkly grey paint

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