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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior: kopitar vs Chara curve

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Just wondering if they are the same except for lie? And is the lie on the warriors the same as a bauer as I need a Bauer 5 lie but grabbing a covert and wondering if I go Chara in a 4 or Kopi in a 5

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Warrior measures their lie different than Bauer which is one of the reason that Warriors lies in general are lower numbers for patterns that appear similar to other manufacturers offerings. Your safest bet is to get to a shop and do side by side comparisons.

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Pretty sure the Chara is a p14 clone while the Kopitar is p92.

Can't comment on the Chara, but the Kopitar is definitely a Sakic/P92 clone. Not a perfect clone (a touch less toe on the Kopitar, the Kopitar is almost 90% Sakic/P92, 10% heel curve), but extremely close. The Kopitar is listed as a lie 5, the Sakic/Hall as a lie 5.5, and the P92 as a lie 6, but in reality the lie is the same for all of them, the different companies just measure lie differently. So, for the OP, if you want a Bauer lie 5, the Kopitar is not for you.

If you want an open mid curve with a lower lie, some options are:


The P14 (available on many models), P92 lie 5 (available only on top end sticks), and P08 (toned down Ovi pro, use with caution). The P14 is actually listed as a lie 6, but it's lie is clearly way closer to a PM9 (a classic lie 5) than a P92 lie 6


AFAIK they don't make an open mid curve with a Bauer lie 5, unless they've recently added one


They used to have curves like the Vanek and lie 4 Draper, but those are gone. The Gionta (lie 4) is roughly a Bauer lie 5, but it's a toe curve and not very open. As I said I can't comment on the Chara, but if it is indeed a true P14 clone, then it'll be a Bauer lie 5 as well. I believe the Kremlin is roughly a Bauer lie 5, but like the P08 it's a pretty nuts curve (actually, it's more nuts than the P08). I've heard the Wisniewski is a lower lie open curve, but I've never seen it personally.

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