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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Switching from Easton to Bauer skates

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I currently have had the Easton 555 skates for the last 3-4 years. There eating up my feet a bit still which is weird cause I always wore Eastons growing up and never had this problem until my last pair. I know Bauer has 3 lines of skates each different for the feet: Nexus, Supreme, and Vapors so my question is which is the Easton most similar too? I think I have a wide foot so I heard the Nexus skates may be a good fit but what is considered wide in the first place to hockey players?

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I'd go to your local retailer, as it's highly probable that your skate size is going to change as well, buy online only if you're sure about the fit.

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I made the switch from S11 regular width to One95 D width a couple years ago with no problems. My biggest concern was getting a good heel lock in the Bauers, but they have been great in every area.

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The people I've seen swtich from Easton to Bauer have all almost gone over to Supremes. However, if you can, I'd suggest trying on the Mako when it comes out.

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The people I've seen swtich from Easton to Bauer have all almost gone over to Supremes. However, if you can, I'd suggest trying on the Mako when it comes out.

Hey, that's me too!

Really looking forward to more Mako info.

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I switched from Easton Synergy 1300c's to the Vapor 5.0 last year, and I love it. Although I haven't tried any of the newer skates from Easton, I'm dying to jump into a pair of RS's and try out those bad boys.

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