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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Do you prefer stick with grip or without grip on your stick for your pucks skills?

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Grip, but I still don't get how companies haven't gotten coatings right since Easton's first go at them.

This. The Griplite and 1st gen gold Synergy (sans peeling) had the best grips of any sticks to date. Arguably better performance too for that matter. :facepalm:

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I've been back and forth with this as well. Was really into grip, then I was introduced to my Harrow 300 shaft with the matte finish. Happened to be a perfect in-between for me. Not to sticky and not too slippery.

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I generally use a non-grip stick. Most grips these days are too "tacky." A lot of clear finishes can be too smooth for my preference though and slde way too much, especially at the beginning of a skate before the palms of my gloves have softened up again. Out of the grip models that I have tried, I have an S19 and an S15 that are the best I've used. Not as slick as most clear finishes I've used, but not ultra tacky like most grip finishes (especially Bauer's griptac- that's like glue to me) that I have come across.

My absolute favorite though are the non-grip "matte" finishes. Kinda like the Mako non-grip models. I find those to be a good compromise for me.

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Played the Easton RS grip last year and loved it!!!! Bought a Bauer APX non-grip and......personally.....it's awful!!!.....But then again, I've played a smooth shaft all my life!!!! :biggrin:

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I prefer my grip APX, but also have a non grip APX shaft. When I use my Salming gloves, I have to use the no grip or I can't do anything with it, can't slide my hands up or down the shaft at all. It's quite odd. When I wear my Warrior BONAFIDES, I live the grip on the stick.

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I have always played with a grip stick, but my last stick (Warrior Widow LE) had wayyyy to much grip for my liking. My glove would literally stick to the shaft. I could take my had out of my glove and the glove would stay on the stick by itself. I recently bought a Bauer Nexus 1000 non-grip and love it. I think it would depend on the grip coating for me.


very light grip coating. I'd rather have non than too much.

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I can and have used both, but in the end I prefer grip. I don't have to squeeze the stick as hard with grip, which in is less effort when leaning into shots, and letting shots go. that's just me though. And once I went with grip, the regular clear finish felt way too slippery. The matte grip is a good option which isn't too tacky, and gives you grip.

I like having grip also, due to the fact that it dampens the "shock" when receiving and shooting. Again that is my person preference/experience.

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I started playing with wood and then aluminium's so never had a grip choice. Candy cane a smooth finish stick all the way for me, as grip just feels waaaayyy too sticky. Currently playing with a T1NXG with the "ready made candy cane" but just not the same, so taped caned it which then peeled off all the Bauer "faux-cane" (that's a trademark phrase right there! - it's just not the same).

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