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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate pain question

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I have a question about some pain I've been experiencing lately. The pain occurrs right where the top two sets of eyelets are when my skates are fully laced up, across the front of my lower leg, a bit above my ankles. It feels like the pain is caused by pressure from the laces, from me bending my knees and really using a lot of forward flex, which is how I skate. I've never had this happen before. I'm currently using a pair of Easton Synergy 750s. They've got about a little over a year of use, mostly once a week, in beer league play. I have them profiled/rockered forward, and use the yellow superfeet in them. At this point, I can't tell if the tongue is broken down, which I've read on here can cause lace bite, or whether my problem is even lace bite. Last night, I tried adding some of those Elite gel lace bite pads, but they really didn't help. I really can't afford new skates right now, and honestly, there doesn't appear to be anything wrong with the skates, other than the pain I'm experiencing.

Has anyone else experienced this sort of thing? Did you find a remedy? Replacement tongues seem expensive, especially since I got the skates for dirt cheap on closeout. What if I went to play it again or something, bought some cheap used skates and added another layer of tongue material in that area? Anyone tried that?

Thanks everyone!

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Try not tying the top few eyelets as tight as you normally do and see if that makes any differnece. If that doesn't help try skipping the last eyelet entirely, I had the same problem as you on a cheap pair of Bauer rollerblades I bought once, and I found that not tying up the last eyelet completely solved my problem.

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Def sounds like lace bite. Loosen up the lacing a bit. Also - are you using wax laces? If so try getting rid of the waxed.

Long term you can have felt added to the inside of the toungue or even replace the tongue.

It will take some time for the irritation to go away. Try the pads or sponges for a while, even if it still hurts it is helping a bit.

Lots of threads on lace bite if you search.

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Try lacing from the outside in at the upper eyelets. You may need to take some time off, that is often the only way to provide relief in the short term.

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I've read through the lace bite threads, just wasn't sure if what I'm experiencing was actually lace bite. Actually, that's where I discovered the gel pads. Anyways, I'm wondering about the waxed laces comment. I do use waxed laces. Why are they bad, from a lace bit perspective? I'm going to try not tying the top set of eyelets (can't BELIEVE I didn't think of that) the next time I skate. Chadd - I'll also consider relacing with the pattern you describe.

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Anyways, I'm wondering about the waxed laces comment. I do use waxed laces. Why are they bad, from a lace bit perspective?

My experience is that waxed laces have given me lace bite and that when I went to non waxed it went away over time. I can't give you a truly scientific answer other than I think that waxed laces do not stretch or "give" as much and that they also stay fixed in one spot whereas non waxed can slide up and down a bit as the body moves. I personally believe this is part of what causes the bite.

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Just wanted to give an update on my skate pain odyssey. I have tried numerous things (Elite oval laces, gel lace bit pads, A&R lace bite pads, unlacing the top eyelet, backlacing) and I was finally able to skate relatively pain free last Saturday. I had to ditch my Superfeet. The added volume in my skate boot helped take some of the pressure off. I also went with unwaxed cloth laces. Finally, I replaced the socks I was skating in. I grabbed a pair of these: http://www.drymaxsocks.com/hockey.php. Having a slightly thicker sock with a better knit felt much better. The sizing on the socks is a bit funny. I wear a 13 shoe, bought an xl, and the socks feel big to me, even though I'm technically right in the target zone for an xl. I am going to try shrinking them a little in the dryer. Anyways, just wanted to thank you guys for all the advice!

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I was going to suggest ditching the Superfeet when I was reading all the posts above. But it looks like you found that solution too.

I recently had the same problem in my APX - ditched the Superfeet and went back to my Sidas, and the problem went away.

Another potential solution, if you want to "salvage" the Superfeet is to dremel/sand off the little lifts/tabs on the bottom of the heel of the Superfeet.

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