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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Roller to ice conversion - thoughts?

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Hey guys,

After 10 years of playing inline, the only indoor rink in my area is closing, so I am going to make the transition back to ice. I have an old pair of CCM Externo's that aren't going to cut it for me on the ice. My question is: I have a high end pair of Mission T10 skates that I love and will probably never use indoor again unless a new rink pops up or I move (both unlikely). Would it make sense to convert these to ice skates? Or am I better off selling them and getting a decent penny and using that money to buy a pair of dedicated ice skates?

If the latter is your recommendation, any thoughts on a skate that would feel similar to the Mission T10? I am thinking it would be nice to pick up a pair of used Bauer X60s. I play offense, I am a relatively small guy and I'm more of a playmaker/speed player.

Thanks for any input you can provide me.


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If you love the skates that much then a conversion wouldn't be a bad idea. With how much skates are these days, if you have something that you like and fits your foot properly, I'd stick with what works for you. Even if you went from Mission to Bauer, you might not like the fit compared to your current roller boots.

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Well there's an inverse thread of many ice to inline conversions. they might be a little cold depending on the rink's temperature.

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Bringing an old topic to life.

@ Enjoytheview: Did you make the conversion? If so, do you have any pictures to share? What are your impressions?

I'm considering doing the same.


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"Posted 29 July 2008 - 01:30 PM

Most of the guys on this board never built a Ice or Roller skate. I have. The internals of a roller boot are often stronger than an Ice skate. There is more stress put on a roller boot verse an ice boot. The 5500 is probably more protective than most high end Ultra Light skates."

This is a quote from Justin1933 who works for Alkali Hockey and used to work for Mission. (I don't know how to quote from one thread to another, here's the original thread: http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/index.php/topic/41313-inline-skate-to-ice-conversion/?hl=conversion )

The nature of roller surfaces and the physics of inline chassis mean that inline skates typically have stronger outer soles than do ice skates. If your skates are in good shape, there shouldn't be any problem (Other than those T10s being some seriously ugly skates. But that's your cross to bear :smile: ). Plus you should be able to sell the chassis and make back some of the money you spend on the conversion.

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Inline boots have full outsoles as well which makes mounting relatively easy. Most Ice boots have the outsole cut out under the front and rear posts to save weight. This can make mounting certain inline chassis to certain ice boots difficult. The outsole may have to be rebuilt in order to give the chassis a solid surface to mount to. I've built some inline skates for pro players using their custom boots where I specifically ask the manufacturer to ship just the boots but with a solid outsole since I will be mounting inline chassis on them.

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"Posted 29 July 2008 - 01:30 PM

Most of the guys on this board never built a Ice or Roller skate. I have. The internals of a roller boot are often stronger than an Ice skate. There is more stress put on a roller boot verse an ice boot. The 5500 is probably more protective than most high end Ultra Light skates."
This is a quote from Justin1933 who works for Alkali Hockey and used to work for Mission. (I don't know how to quote from one thread to another, here's the original thread: http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/index.php/topic/41313-inline-skate-to-ice-conversion/?hl=conversion )
The nature of roller surfaces and the physics of inline chassis mean that inline skates typically have stronger outer soles than do ice skates. If your skates are in good shape, there shouldn't be any problem (Other than those T10s being some seriously ugly skates. But that's your cross to bear :smile: ). Plus you should be able to sell the chassis and make back some of the money you spend on the conversion.

I wonder if alkali boots are really stiffer and beefier in the outsole portion

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