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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM U+ CL RH 85flx Sr

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For Sale: CCM U+ CL RH 85-flex OVI curve. - $80 $70 shipped inside US. $80 $70 + shipping to Canada. SOLD

Edit: Meant to add that I'm willing to take offers via PM. This stick is just going to sit if it's not sold.

This is not the crazy ovi curve. This is the retail version (sakic clone I believe). This stick has never been used. I won it in a CCM Facebook contest and gave it to a friend to use. He painted it white, attempted to remove the paint, and then gave it back to me as he decided to quit playing hockey. I have another one of these sticks, that I'm currently using, and am finding out that I prefer 75-flex sticks over 85-flex. This means that I will never end up using this stick. So....it's up for sale. Again, it has never been used. There are zero physical damage marks. Only cosmetic due to the paint job and attemped removal. This is a super deal for a top of the line stick. Because I got it free and it has been painted/comestically altered I'm offering it up at what I typically pay out of pocket for shafts/sticks. Not looking to actually make any money...just fund a replacement purchase. I can take more detailed pictures of the stick upon request (to prove it hasn't been used), but did not want to spam up the post with pictures.






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