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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Switching between sticks

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I went a little crazy and ended up with a reebok 11k, Easton old rs, reebok ai9, warrior widow.

All are 75 flex and p88 type blades.

At first I thought the rs was great, then I started to use the 11k and I preferred that. Started messing with the ai9 and still preferred the 11k. Got the widow and was like wow, this is the best. Played the widow exclusively for a few weeks and then decided to give the ai9 a try. Scored two goals with it lady week. Wristers.

Any way, what am I doing? Is this gearitis? I seem to like them for different reasons. Ai9 is the best for slap shots. Wrist shots are great with widow 11k and rs. I don't have a good snap shot yet. Stick handling is about even with all. Some just felt a limitless better though. Can't explain it.

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Personally, I think rotating between very different sticks prevents you from really being able to feel the stick and play to its strengths. I find that no stick is suited perfectly for me for both wrist shots and slappers and my options are to compromise on one or both. I could understand swapping to something different if you're going back to play the point on a PP instead of playing center or wing, but not changing game to game or shift to shift, just to change things up.

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I just read what I wrote. Auto correct got me. Yeah, I need to stick with 2. Primary and back up.I'm actually thinking about selling all but ai9 and getting a widow with 85 flex

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I tend to have same brand/model (or very similar) sticks with the same curve. However, I do have one be slightly longer than the other. For some reason, I've found that if I'm playing a more defensive style I like having the longer stick available and if the game is more open offensively I tend to like the shorter stick.

I agree that if you end up with to many different style of sticks and rotate through them that you're not allowing yourself to get used to one and using it advantageously.

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I still keep my old XN10s around for slump-buster duty but I usually play with either my Miken ZLs or Widows, depending on what I am testing/reviewing.

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I'm sure this happens all the time with the posters on here who have the chance to try many different sticks. Personally, I have a prostock RS, One95, Widow, Dolomite+Dynasty 2-piece and a TPS R6. I'm currently sticking to the 2 piece combo and RS exclusively one-two respectively.

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