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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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stick that is best fit for you and your play

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So I went into the Hockey Monkey store this past saturday because I am getting back into hockey and wanted to try some sticks to see which ones were best fit for my game and my stature. I'm 5'10'' and about 185lbs, i lift weights and i consider myself moderately strong. This is going to be my first time using a composite stick because when I grew up playing ice hockey i played with wood sticks and obviously during the gap of not playing from 14 to now(25yrs old) 1pc composite sticks became mainstream. I always played right wing or center and I wasn't really a slap shot type player. I checked out some Bauer and Easton sticks and came to the conclusion that for Bauer it would be a 102 (or do you think an 87 flex would be better) flex and for the blade it would be a Kane. The Easton would be a 100 (or 85) flex and Iginla blade. Curious to know what other people are using out there according to their type of game and stature.

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5'9 240lbs, using a 75/77 flex. I have a 102, cut down to probably be a 104 or so. Can't flex it even if I try.

What position you play? Now I can't decide to get the 87 flex or 102, im leaning to the 87.

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what we use is irrelevant to what would be good for you. you have to take in consideration where people like to cut their sticks, how they skate (stance, lie), level of play and so on....but here is what i prefer, i use 75/77 flex. 5.9 165-170. sticks cut to forehead without skates, lips on skates. prefer lower lie as i like to skate very low.

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I'm 6ft, 180lbs and I play center primarily. I am currently using 75 flex warrior dynasty with a Kovalev curve. My stick is on its last legs so I will probably replace it soon. Looking at an 85 flex DT1 or Nexus. Only reason I am going up in flex is because I hear they play softer due to their flex profiles. I normally would use 85 flex sticks, once I got use to my Dynasty I really liked how easily it loaded.

When it comes to flex, just because you can use a higher flex doesn't mean you should. It also doesn't matter how strong you are if you don't have the proper technique to utilize that flex. Many NHL players use 75 and 85 flex sticks. Lots of it is due to preference and shooting technique. Find out what works best for you, just don't get caught up in thinking you are too strong for a certain flex.

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We have a huge topic about what equipment people use pinned at the top of this forum. I really don't see the need for another one specifically about sticks.

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