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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XX gloves and other pro stock gloves

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Agreed. I just don't think you should ask from the people you might try to sell them to. This is why we require a set price in the Sell forum.

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But if you're asking, I'll pay you $10 a pair for the XX gloves and $20 for the Eastons. Canadian of course.

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Obviously anything below retail is an improvement and lower is better. There haven't been many sales to in the sell forum to help judge the market price on stuff.

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if you can get a high end pair of gloves in Rangers or possibly Montreal colours i would be interested. Most specifically Eagles, providing you sell them at a good deal.

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ok i'll be honest, eagle, easton and mission pro stock used were $60-$65. they all seemed 80% of new, worst thing was smell. that seems like a great price, but i dunno?

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I actually think that's a little high on used pro-stock gloves. They seem to cost at most around $100 new with the exception of Eagles which seem to fetch around $125. So if your looking to turn a profit from there, it's probably not too bad for Eagles but for other models a bit high.

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Smell is easy to cover. Just a little Febreeze works. ;) Also, something that helps your own glove from smelling too bad without any spray is putting some little things called "Under the Seat" in your gloves after every use. I get them at Wal-Mart in the car freshener section, and they come in a few scents which are all more of a fruity scent. If you don't like your gloves to smell, I'd suggest looking for some.

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