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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Sharpening Problem

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I started skate sharpening recently on the SSM-2 Produkt. The first day I used it, it worked great. Only issue is getting use to the swing arm since its not free hand. But I noticed the last couple times I tried to sharpen, the blade was chattering off and on the wheel and when I applied more pressure it sounded like it was grinding, not sharpening.

Any suggestions? Am I applying the wrong pressure? Is the wheel not dressed properly?Maybe its off balance?

Please let me know.


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I don't have experience with that model, but your wheel is likely not dressed properly if it's chattering.

Also, you mentioned that you "applied more pressure". Be careful with this as you don't want to be applying pressure to the wheel.

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I don't have experience with that model, but your wheel is likely not dressed properly if it's chattering.

That would be my guess as well

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