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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The revengeful snowma

What stick should i get

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im 15
140 Ibs
have a good wrist shot, don't take slap shots, and i do a lot of stick handling through traffic.
rh datsuyk 77 flex
Rh datsyuk 77 flex
Rh koavlechuk 77 flex

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All these sticks will play differently since they are different sticks, different curves....

Noone here would be able to answer what you should go with since it all comes to personnal preference.

Me, id go with the to or 11k.

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All these sticks will play differently since they are different sticks, different curves.... Noone here would be able to answer what you should go with since it all comes to personnal preference. Me, id go with the to or 11k.

Exactly this.

However if you are unsure of what your exact preferences are regarding feel, kickpoint, etc. (as is often the case with younger players, it's all good), the only way to BE sure is building up preferences over time.

The Bauer P08 Ovechkin is a pretty extreme open toe hook, might want to avoid that. There's the moderately deep open heeled P106 in R 77 that you could consider. I'm liking both the T1 and the Widow even though they have completely different kickpoints.

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The P08 takes a ton of adjustment time. Going from a P92 to that is extremely tough, I actually just went back. It's fun to have a toe hook for stick handling though, cause you get that awesome toe-drag going.

I'm personally not a fan of the RBK sticks.

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What stick are you using now? What do you NOT like about it? Sounds like you play so you have to be using something. Is the tape wearing at the heel, or middle of the bottom of the blade? I am no stick expert, but for those who are, they can help better with more info. BTW, I am using a P88 but thinking the lie is a bit high for me, and like you don't take a lot of slappers. I am more of a in tight and wrist shot player and a passer. Looking at the Kovalchuk for myself.

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