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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Replacement Tounges - U.K/Europe

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Hey Guy's.

Just finished an adult camp this week and the tongues on my Graf 705's are shot.

By the middle of the week I was starting to get pretty nasty lace bite as the tongue had completely compressed and the lace was just killing my foot.

My Skates are Oversized Graf 705's, which means that they came without a lot of the things you'd expect from regular 705's; Most importantly the super thick felt tongue. The tongues in these are probably the same ones put in the beginner skates, but the newer style..

like these 1F50_98-50_front.png

Anyone know where the hell I can order some replacements - The nice thick felt variety) in this part of the world?

My LHS says the Graf distributor in this country is useless!


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correct me if I'm wrong but to me, you can replace your tongue with any tongue out there. as long as it matches the size.

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Yea, you can buy a pair of used skates and cut the tongues from them or look on eBay for skate tongues or old Graf skates, it can be a bigger size, just cut to fit

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If you manage to find some in Europe please post it here; I've been looking for quite a while and am almost desperate enough to import from the US :(

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