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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skates - Hollow/Profile,Rocker?

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I am just starting to play again. I am a quick forward, very solid skater, and weigh around 160.

Played a high level when I was younger and will be playing a competitive mens league soon.

I definitely use my edges.

I am trying to choose what I should go with,

3/8, standard 1/2, 5/8,

also, a neutral rocker or forward rocker?

Any suggestions and replies are greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

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Really each of those things are influenced by things you can't see over the web. Things like how much kneed bend you have in your stride, your style of play, the ice quality where you skate. I would say the only way someone could help would be for you to list what you use now and what you don't like about it. Then someone with experience with the various sharpening parameters could suggest a change.

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If you can afford it, pick up a couple of pairs of cheaper skates and try out different cuts and rockers. then you can take your good skates and get them done to your preference.

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Thanks Neal.

I definitely have alot of knee bend. Get low in my stride. Long, not choppy. Some heel to heel when with puck in zone.

Ice quality is decent. I live in New Jersey. So not much outdoor playing. Sometimes play on a half - outdoor rink.

I am really just looking for best edge for sharper turns, quicker crossovers but also not losing much in my stride.

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I had a friend film me play once. I had an aggressive profile on my skates at the time but after watching the film I noticed I had problems at slow speed, I then dialed back the profile to neutral. Things are way better now.

Have someone film you skate, or film yourself. Any phone will do.

Graf are known for there forward pitch.



Bauer One100's

5/8th sharpen

Step Steel

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I had a friend film me play once. I had an aggressive profile on my skates at the time but after watching the film I noticed I had problems at slow speed, I then dialed back the profile to neutral. Things are way better now. Have someone film you skate, or film yourself. Any phone will do. Graf are known for there forward pitch. Me 205LBs, Bauer One100's 5/8th sharpen Step Steel

That is my specialty so feel free to ask for an opinion if you like. And depending on the blade and boots condition there could be a forward lean to the set up but all depends on the sharpening now. A simple solution could be to have a new set of steel profiled and installed. That being said you could use the old steel to try it and if it feels really good then order the new steel!

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