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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Removing ear covers from RBK 5K helmet?

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should be able to just remove those two screws and they will come out...re install screws and off you go. thats how it was on my bauer and itech lids.

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its most likely the two screws on the side (where the jclips go) and the one towards the back (where you would snap your cage in). I know on the 4500 you have to undo the ear loop too to get the ear cover off.

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The ear covers are not connected to helmet by those two screws on the sides. They are connected by one at the back of the helmet (for cage). They are however still somehow connected to helmet at top, but I cant figure out how, is there one screw under the foam? The earcovers did not come off by removing the screws at the back of the helmet, I even tried to use some force but I was afraid I might break something...

It looks that they are not designed to be removed, or at least it is made harder than in many other helmets. For example in my old CCM HT2 the ear covers can simply be removed by just removing the two screws on the sides.

Oh well, if I can't get rid of the ear covers, I just keep them. They are not too disturbing and after all, they provide some extra cover...

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you won't be able to use it for USAH sanctioned games. You also might want to check with your rink/league to see if you will still be able to use it without them.

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you won't be able to use it for USAH sanctioned games. You also might want to check with your rink/league to see if you will still be able to use it without them.

Correct, you'll get tossed out of any USAH game for not having those. I also can send you a copy of the $1,500 bill I got from the plastic surgeon after I took mine out.....

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you won't be able to use it for USAH sanctioned games.

I've yet to find a ref that cares at a USAH sanctioned game. I've played in plenty of them. That's of course if you're talking about being over 18, then it's a different story...

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Do you mean under 18? If you wanna find a ref that cares in a youth (under 18) USAH sanctioned hockey game, come to a game I ref. Guaranteed you don't make it past warmups...

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