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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer one95 to Graf G5 or G35

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Wondering if anyone has made this transition. My heel fits perfectly in the one95 no slip. However the boot is too stiff for my liking. So what i'm asking, Anyone skating in Graf know what heel matches up best with the one95? I've searched but can't quite find the answer I'm looking for. Thank you.

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You could also go for a Total One/NXG, as Bauer reduced the stiffness of the boot from the One95 skate. You would be keeping the same fitting skate.

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For what its worth, here is my experience.

I've always skated Bauer, but got an itch to try out Graf. Last February I bought a pair of Graf Ultra G5's. My feet aren't narrow, but they aren't wide either, pretty much right in between the two, and the Graf G5 boot is suppose to fit my foot type. I had them baked at the time of purchase, and skated two or three times in them. They still felt a bit too snug, so I had them punched, that helped relieve that extra snugness that was causing me pain. I also discovered that the wax laces were giving me severe lace bite, causing my feet to tingle and almost go numb. I decided to take off the wax laces, and use regular ones and my feet felt much better!

Well, nearly a year later and I still feel like these aren't broken in. I know I'm in the minority here, but my experience with Graf skates hasn't been what I've read everyone else's to be, mine has been rough. I'm thinking of switching back to Bauer in another 6 months or less, I've been eyeing the Nexus 600's, they wont break the bank, and after trying them on, they did feel better to me than my current Graf's. I've tried to like my Graf's, but I just can't seem to get them dialed.

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I currently have One100's I have been fighting with lace bite on for a long time. I am getting sick of it and thinking of trying some Grafs. Hoping a deeper boot and a softer skate will help me. I tried on the G75 and they felt good. I then read they replaced the G70 and found a cheap pair of those I'm thinking of buying. Does anyone know if these size wise these are the same as the G75? Also in the G75 I felt like I was between a 9.5 and a 10. With Graf do you get a little more space when you bake them? If so I'd get the 9.5.

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I've always gone back to Bauer after trying Grafs. The only thing i've liked about Grafs is the forward flex (My One95s I had to go an eyelet down, but I prefer lacing skates all the way up), but Bauer has always been superior in terms of responsiveness and comfort for me. With my NXGs, they maintain this responsiveness, but I can lace the skate all the way up while still getting the flex I need. Its also nice not having to put a tuuk on the skate at point of purchase.

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