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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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A&R Tongue Replacement

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I have Bauer APX skates, size 8, and when I first got them my feet hurt like hell. I used the chalk test to see what was rubbing, and it was the side of the tongue. I decided to cut the section of the tongue that was rubbing to relieve the pain, and it worked great. But now I am starting to get some lace bit, because my tongue lost all its integrity. I found a LHS that would replace the tongues for me, for $100. But the only tongues they have are A&R tongues. I have never heard of A&R as far as tongues go.

Here is a link to the catalog, tongue is on page 3 and then page 12 a brief description


Please if anyone has experience with this item please let me know, also if you know of a good tongue replacement, they said they would replace with a tongue I purchase for $40. I heard Bauer does not sell there tongue's separately.


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As another option on eBay there is some Pro Stock Return tongues in black and white looks like a nice thick felt made by Nash +. Just search for pro stock hockey tongue. There $60 a pair.

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They are pretty popular tongues. Decent quality, but part of it is that the price is right. They are going to be a fair bit wider than the stock APX tongues.

I've seen that A&R tongue in their catalog before, but never in person. They LOOK identical to the Nash ones.

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Agreed they look pretty much the same, I know the nash company is like out of business, so maybe A&R bought them up or something...

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Agreed they look pretty much the same, I know the nash company is like out of business, so maybe A&R bought them up or something...

That's news to me as I just ordered a bunch of stuff for my shop from Nash about two weeks ago.

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I had a pair of A&R tonques installed in my One95s when i did a revamp of them this summer. I play about 2-3x a week. Very plush when first installed compared to the old stock tonques. Broken in within a month.These tonques come very, very long, so make sure you measure twice before cutting and installing.

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The A&R/Nash tongues are alright, but I found the felt to be less dense and the lace bite insert very "meh" compared to the offerings from Graf/Bauer etc. You can check your LHS, if they are a Graf dealer they can order tongues through them. Another option is to troll Ebay for skates to take tongues out of and transplant into your skates. I found a like new pair of 1052 Tacks for $25 at a PIAS. You may also want to consider doing the install yourself-a speedy sticher will set you back about $20 or less and you will find all sorts of uses for it. I've done several tongue swaps, it's realy not hard. Good how to thread is here: http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/index.php?/topic/57901-instructional-diy-skate-tongue-replacement/

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Yeah, Not sure I trust myself to make the change myself. I have a pair of grafs 705s from 2004 time frame, I could take the tongues from...

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