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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Total one toecap

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Just a thread to ask if anyone knows how thick the plastic is on the t1 toecap?

My big toe on my left foot rubs to the point where it is unbearable and punching isn't an option. I was going to shave/sand that part of the toe box depending on how thick the plastic is.


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Now this isn't an exact answer, but I believe it's probably only a 1/4" thick or so. Maybe slightly thicker but I am not quite sure. Just a guess. Have you looked into having your skates stretched for length? (Not a punch, but an actual stretch of the boot north/south. You can generally end up getting anywhere from a 1/4 to 1/2 a size out of the skates if done correctly.)

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Because if I shave a tiny bit off the inside and it doesn't work, the skate is still use able and because where it needs punched, I doubt it would work, right inside the toecap and I fear it may separate from the outsole.

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I think I have a toe cap, just by itself, around here somewhere. If I find it, I'll take a pic of it for you and post it.

All you're working with is around 0.2-0.3 mm or between 1/8" thick material, if that. Cutting or sanding any away probably wont provide the relief you need, and create an unsafe skate in the process.

I think your better option is stretching the forefoot of the skate on a boot stretcher with a extra spot attachment on the last at the spot where you're having the most discomfort.

If heated, done properly and gradually, you shouldn't have any issues.

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I have had similar toe-caps (Flexlites) 'stretched' in the past. It's not pretty: you basically have to melt the toe-cap with a heat-gun, to the point at which it's starting to disintegrate, then manipulate it, let it cool, and epoxy everything back up again. For me, sticking them into cowlings, there's comparatively little risk of impact; for a player skating out, I'd have some concerns.

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I have had similar toe-caps (Flexlites) 'stretched' in the past. It's not pretty: you basically have to melt the toe-cap with a heat-gun, to the point at which it's starting to disintegrate, then manipulate it, let it cool, and epoxy everything back up again. For me, sticking them into cowlings, there's comparatively little risk of impact; for a player skating out, I'd have some concerns.

I know graf skates can literally be heated with direct heat from a heat gun, and manipulated, and its completely fine. Whatever graf uses for their toe caps is a plyable material when direct heat is applied to it. Bauer on the other hand not so much. However, you can do this, just not to the same degree. The safe bet is to put them in a skate oven for 6 or so minutes, and then punch out the direct area. That should solve the problem. If you were willing to be a little bit more risky you COULD use a heat gun on the direct area and then punch it, but I have had great success punching toe caps just using the skate oven. It is a safer option in my opinion because its a controlled environment as opposed to guessing with a heat gun.

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I've said this before in other threads. Try to find a pair of Vapor insoles. They have little "wings" that stick up and cover the spot where your big toe rubs. I have the same issue. Reaching in and feeling the inside of the skate at that spot has become the first thing I have to do with any skates I try on. If that spot is rough, there's no point in me even trying it on. That's the primary reason I'm in RBKs right now, because that spot is smooth in them.

One more thing I'm hoping to alleviate with the Mako skate when it comes out.

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I've said this before in other threads. Try to find a pair of Vapor insoles. They have little "wings" that stick up and cover the spot where your big toe rubs. I have the same issue. Reaching in and feeling the inside of the skate at that spot has become the first thing I have to do with any skates I try on. If that spot is rough, there's no point in me even trying it on. That's the primary reason I'm in RBKs right now, because that spot is smooth in them.

One more thing I'm hoping to alleviate with the Mako skate when it comes out.

While this does help if there's rubbing due to the rough seam (which I totally get myself and understand completely), it won't help if he legitimately doesn't have enough room in the toe cap widthwise. In fact, it might make it worse if you add another couple of mm of material on either side of the toe cap.

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I've said this before in other threads. Try to find a pair of Vapor insoles. They have little "wings" that stick up and cover the spot where your big toe rubs. I have the same issue. Reaching in and feeling the inside of the skate at that spot has become the first thing I have to do with any skates I try on. If that spot is rough, there's no point in me even trying it on. That's the primary reason I'm in RBKs right now, because that spot is smooth in them.

One more thing I'm hoping to alleviate with the Mako skate when it comes out.

While this does help if there's rubbing due to the rough seam (which I totally get myself and understand completely), it won't help if he legitimately doesn't have enough room in the toe cap widthwise. In fact, it might make it worse if you add another couple of mm of material on either side of the toe cap.

Yeah for sure. I made the assumption based on him saying the problem was only on one foot (like mine).

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The problem is only on one foot yeah and it has only arisen recently which is unfortunate as the skates are no where near finished. The toebox is a little narrow and my bug toe suffers. I might heat the toe cap and try and wedge something in which would maybe widen it a bit.

They are a supreme d, does anyone know how much extra width a ee supreme will give? Or a Reebok e for that matter, though I heard there are many quality control issues with Reebok skates. I can get 11k Reebok on a great deal so that could be an option.

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