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If You Build it....Will they come? (Field of Dreams: NHL Style)

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This will be quite interesting to watch. The Maple Leafs and Buffalo Sabres are already up in arms against the prospect of having a second team in the GTA or at least it was the case when Balsillie wanted to move them there if he was allowed to buy the Coyotes.

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This will be quite interesting to watch. The Maple Leafs and Buffalo Sabres are already up in arms against the prospect of having a second team in the GTA or at least it was the case when Balsillie wanted to move them there if he was allowed to buy the Coyotes.

Markham is a much better option for the Sabres than Hamilton or anywhere south or southwest of Toronto city center. If there is going to be another team in the GTA or Southern Ontario, that's a good spot for them. We also don't need to get into the sideshow that went along with the Balsillie situation.

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Not my intention to do so either Chadd. I only mentioned it add "weight" to my comment about the Sabres and the Leafs not being overly joyed about the possibility of having a second team in the GTA.

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This will not impact the Sabres nearly like a team in Hamilton or anywhere south of Toronto. This is a completely different situation for them. The Leafs would be impacted financially, but they have a huge advantage in revenue over most teams and this still won't hurt them.

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This will not impact the Sabres nearly like a team in Hamilton or anywhere south of Toronto. This is a completely different situation for them. The Leafs would be impacted financially, but they have a huge advantage in revenue over most teams and this still won't hurt them.

I wonder what would happen if the Leafs continued to suck (that's a given) and the Markham Waxers actually performed on ice and who knows, actually made the playoffs or won something, say, within the first 5 years of existence? Might change the GTA hockey landscape a bit?

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I wonder what would happen if the Leafs continued to suck (that's a given) and the Markham Waxers actually performed on ice and who knows, actually made the playoffs or won something, say, within the first 5 years of existence? Might change the GTA hockey landscape a bit?

About as much as the Devils winning the cup in 95 would be my guess

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About as much as the Devils winning the cup in 95 would be my guess

We are starving for a winner though in Toronto, moreso than the NJ/NY area.

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We are starving for a winner though in Toronto, moreso than the NJ/NY area.

There will be a waiting list for both teams, you won't have the option of jumping on the bandwagon. Many of those same "corporate types" that people complain about at the ACC will have tickets in the new building as well.

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Someone, Paul Kelly I think was quoted as saying that the NHL was planning an expansion in a couple of years from now. He said that 2 to 4 teams would be added. Today, Bill Daly shot down the rumors saying that the NHL had no plans for expansion in the near future. So who's lying?

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Daly shot it down at least a day ago. Expansion is always under consideration and there is a running discussion on what markets would be acceptable and/or desirable. It won't happen until after next season, at the earliest, but I think it will happen in this decade.

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Daly shot it down at least a day ago. Expansion is always under consideration and there is a running discussion on what markets would be acceptable and/or desirable. It won't happen until after next season, at the earliest, but I think it will happen in this decade.

I hope you are wrong. But if they add teams I hope it's in a city or area that can support it. I'd much rather see a few of the teams that aren't doing well relocate.

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I've read about expansion to Milwaukee on a few forums. Please don't, it would be a tremendous flop.

I'm wondering if over expansion to the west coast is troublesome simply due to the time difference.

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