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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anything Retail Close to AAA Heel?

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Got a pair of custom X60's in a size 6, AAA heel, EEE forefoot and the forefoot is too wide. Can't really afford another pair of (properly fitted next time) customs so I was wondering if anything retail might be close. I had a pair of D/A vapor XXV's from 2007 and the forefoot was ok in those, but the heel was still too wide. I doubt anything out there will do the trick but thought I'd ask anyway.

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AAA heel, EEE (likely EE) forefoot.... I mean, you might be able to try on a few Grafs (maybe 735..., but wide or wide+). 703 will likely be way too narrow in the forefoot, even in a wide.

Yeah, not an easy fit. I found the Eastons to be wide® forefoot and narrow(er) heel. Maybe find an older S17 or EQ50.

The RBK 20k might also work. It has a narrow heel and a wide® forefoot to me.

I have a AA heel and D forefoot, and I struggle to find something without going custom. You're +1 in either direction, so I can't see you finding anything off the shelf that works well.

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good luck, I'm a 6 and 6 1/4 EEEAA with problems with depth and I have yet to find a single retail skate I can make work... Took 2 or 3 pairs of customs to get really dialed in to get an almost perfect fit

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