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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reusing Old Tacks

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I just updated my skate situation from some 1152 tacks to Vapor x7.0s. I got the new skates because the Prolite 3 holders were shattering on both of the 1152s and replacing them would have meant drilling new rivet holes. I felt it was time to update.

Anyway, I don't want to just throw out my old skates. Anyone got any ideas of what i could do with them? I don't know if selling them would be worth it, after the cost of getting the holders replaced- could be wrong though.

I was thinking about making some sort of hockey decoration, in the same way benches are made with broken sticks, but with skates. Any ideas or experience with anything like that?

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A very generous and (I assume) much needed donation to your nearest rink, or preferably, youth/school skating program.

Sell used for some lunch money.

Hold onto for a hand-me-down to an acquaintaince or friend of said person.

I don't see a point in using skates as a 'decoration' when it could be put to good use elsewhere.

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I just recently took a pair of my friends old ccm tacks to the pro shop and they put ccm e pro holders on them and the same old steel worked fine. Didn't even charge to do it, but I didnt ask if they had to drill any holes.

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I just recently took a pair of my friends old ccm tacks to the pro shop and they put ccm e pro holders on them and the same old steel worked fine. Didn't even charge to do it, but I didnt ask if they had to drill any holes.

Yes, they would need to drill new holes.

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Remove the blade

Remove laces

Spray paint bronze/gold

Put laces back in, tie up

Glue cup into boot

voila, awesome drinking mug!

A fun thing to do is paint them gold, give them to the MVP of the game. We have a golden helmet, and a pair of bright yellow socks that the MVP wears for warmup the next game. After the game the previous MVP gives it to the next MVP etc. A few teams I'm on do variations of this and it's always fun.

2 birds with one stone: Do the cup/boot/mug thing and give that to the MVP with a beer, previous MVP brings a beer for the next and so on..

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Thanks for the ideas guys. I think I'm going to switch out the broken holders for some inline chassis and use them for roller hockey. That will allow me to turn my old inline boots into the gold beer mug/trophy. Might have to do some thorough washing before I drink out of that boot though.

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