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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Malholtra out for season. Career likely over?

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Manny is out for the rest of this season: eye problems again. On the IR now, but I'm guessing it's only time till he's on the LTI?

Do you think there is any chance that he will return in future seasons? It'd be terrible if this was a career-ender. He was one of my favorite Canucks.

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Not knowing the actual injury, it's hard to say if he will ever be able to play again. It's always sad to see a career end, even worse when it has to happen due to an injury. It would be nice if he could end his career on his terms, but a lot of other guys would like to have the same option. Best of luck to him and his family.

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Read an article on Yahoo sounding like if his career ended he might just join the Canucks coaching staff since he is such a team leader and so good at face-offs. I'm sure a lot of the younger players have a lot to learn from him.

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