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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer APX: Baking Skates?

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I just got a new pair of Bauer APX skates and question about "baking" thier skates...

I've encountered some of these people that claim it's better to try to naturally break in skates instead of initially baking them, it's true for Bauer APX or with some of these thermoforming uppers on APX, i practically never get them to form properly without baking?

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Agree with the above, any of the Bauer skates constructed with the curv composite quarters respond very well to baking. The material becomes pretty pliable once you heat it.

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I have a question. How pliable are they supposed to become? I have a pair of Supremes with the older Alive composite, how warm should it be to really mold to my feet? When I take it out of the oven, the blades are not warm at all, just barely. I suppose that's not warm enough?

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They should always be baked in accordance with the instructions provided by the manufacturer. Not sure how warm to the touch that is qualitatively.

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