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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Roller Stick

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Hey guys,

I'm in the market for a new stick. I'm sorry if this is in the wrong place on the forum by the way :(

I've been having trouble finding a curve and length that I'm comfortable with for shooting roller hockey pucks based on my playing style and attribute. I started playing in a faster paced league and it's affected my shooting. I'm just looking for suggestions and seeing if any one has any input.

I'm 5'11, 175. Kind of a weird thing to say but I have long arms so I feel like this would affect the lie and length that I should look into.

Based on my playing style I skate fast and take a lot of shots on the go while skating hard. If I get into a jam I pull up a bit and take a wrist shot from the high slot. I'm not a fancy stick handler and tend to use my speed to skate around defenders to make up for my stick handling short-comings.

I'm above average or right where I'd like to be with my passing, slapper, and backhand but my wrist shot is really suffering lately. I'm looking for something that's going to help me get more wood and grip on those quick shots while I'm skating fast. I know it's about personal preference to an extent but I'm sure others have had success and could at least lead me in the right direction.

Any input would be great, thanks!

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there are many sticks variation from your description,

what have worked and not worked so far? stick brand & model, curve, stick length, lie, kickpoint, tape..

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It all comes down to personal preference, unfortunately. What we like, might be completely different from others' opinions. For instance, I know some people who love Easton. However, I could never use Easton. I'm a big Bauer fan. It's all about what you feel comfortable with, and if that means trial and error, so be it. To this day, the only stick I've ever had that was perfect for me was a TPS Response XN10

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It would help you to take a more analytical approach to this. List your current stick, it's specs, the stick height, blade wear, and it's flex at where it is cut.

Next I would adjust each one by one. Not all at once, otherwise you won't understand what is and isn't working. I would leave the blade pattern for last because it is the easiest to change. I believe that has to do most with shooting mechanics, technique, and personal preference.

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